Here Is How You Prevent And Get Rid Of Centipedes From Your House

centipede pest control

What are centipedes?

Centipedes have flat, long bodies that can be anywhere between 16 to 612 inches long. Centipedes, despite their name, can have from 15 to 177 pairs of legs, with one pair in individual parts, depending on the species. Centipedes come in various colors, although brown and reddish-orange are the most prevalent. Centipedes can be located all over the globe in temperate and tropical habitats.

The house centipede moves rapidly and consistently darts out in front of you when you’re vulnerable, such as when you’ve just gotten out of the shower or are carrying something delicate. These lanky prehistoric-looking monsters are the stuff of nightmares for anyone who is easily startled or scared by insects.

What causes centipedes in your apartments?

Centipedes can enter the home through open doors, windows, or vents. They usually live in moist areas that are dark and have plenty of hiding places, such as under leaves, logs, stones, and in mulch piles. Everyday items that can cause centipedes to enter your home are open doors and windows, mulch piles, Dirt or sand, and animal fur. If you see this, you should contact a professional pest company to help you get rid of the centipedes before its too late.

What can happen to you if a centipede bites you?

Centipedes are dangerous because they are poisonous. They can use their venom to attack animals and defend themselves against predators and other wild foes. Humans are rarely threatened by centipede venom; however, the bite can be painful.

In terms of pain, their bites may be similar to bee stings. More giant centipedes may spit out more venom, resulting in unbearable pain. When bitten, you will encounter pain, redness, and swelling. These signs and symptoms might persist anywhere from a few hours to days.

What is the best way to get rid of centipedes in the house?

Centipedes are insects that can be found in many parts of the house, and they are known for their long, slender bodies divided into several segments. Some of the most common ways to get rid of centipedes in the house are: 

– Clean damp areas of your home, like the basement and washroom, and remove their hiding places, but first, you need to do centipede removal services

– Another way to get rid of centipedes is by using pesticides. This can be done by spraying them with insecticides or placing traps near the area where they are present. 

– You can also create a border of protection around window casings and doors. 

– You can also vacuum up centipedes when you see them, then close and dispose of the vacuum bag to prevent them from escaping.

How to keep centipedes out of your house?

Centipedes don’t leave any evidence that shows they are in your home. Instead of creating a nest, they find a new hiding spot every time. You are most likely to accidentally discover a home centipede resting on a wall, looking out from their hiding place, or tangled in a sink or tub. If you don’t want centipedes in your place, you need to get regular Residential Pest Control Services. 

Centipedes prefer to conceal and breed in moist yard materials such as leaf litter and grass clippings. Clear the debris from your yard and keep it away from your home. With an expanding foam spray, seal any gaps, cracks, and crevices around your windows, doors, siding, pipes, and wires. It will keep not only centipedes but also rodents out.

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Frequently Asked Questions

Q. Why do I see centipedes all of a sudden?

A. When you have not done preventive pest control, centipedes are cunning, and they might indicate a much larger pest problem in and around your home. 

Q. How do you get rid of centipedes fast?

A. Centipedes require professional assistance to prevent, eliminate, and control. The pest experts know everything there is to know about centipedes, and they’ve designed house pest control services that will permanently eliminate them, as well as any other bug problem.

Q. How do you naturally get rid of centipedes?

A. To get rid of any centipedes naturally, you first need to seal all holes, cracks, and gaps in the house from where you think they can enter. You need to eliminate any food sources such as ants and cockroaches. Keep your house neat and clean. 

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