What are Beetles?
The most common type of insect is the beetle. Beetles are everywhere. Beetles, however, can be mistaken for other types of insects, particularly some genuine bugs. So how can a beetle be identified? A beetle is an insect in the order Coleoptera, which means ‘sheathing-winged’. This refers to their most distinctive feature, which is usually always the modification of the forewings into protective wing cases (elytra), which cover the hind wings, if any, utilized for flight. Most often, beetles have sharp mandibles and biting mouthparts.
You may be familiar with the butterfly’s life cycle and how it develops from a caterpillar into a lovely winged insect. Beetles have a very similar life cycle, but we do not notice it as much since they usually live low to the ground, under leaves, or burrow into the soil. There are four stages in the life cycle of a beetle: egg, larva, pupa, and adult. Beetles are born from eggs that their mother puts on leaves or plants. When the eggs hatch, the newborn beetles resemble adults virtually nothing. A beetle is known as a larva at this stage of development. When there are several, they are referred to as larvae. Larvae have multiple body segments and small legs, and they resemble worms or short caterpillars. Its top concern is eating so that it can develop.
Different Types of Beetles
Typically, when we think about beetles, we picture tiny insects like ladybugs. However, there are numerous varieties of beetles, some of which are enormous! Knowing what type of beetles are invading your home or yard can help you determine the best pest solution for getting rid of them. The different types of beetles are as follows:
1. Carpet Beetles
The carpet beetle obtains its name from its love for damaging upholstered furniture and materials. They prefer dark, quiet, undisturbed areas such as furniture seams and carpet undersides. Carpet beetles might be difficult to identify until you notice the damage they’re creating because they’re so skilled at hiding. These oval-shaped bugs have two antennae and six legs. Their shells are firm and spherical, and their wings are tucked beneath them.
2. Click Beetles
A click beetle, sometimes known as a spring beetle, is one of about 7,000 species of insects. Most seen beetles are brown or black in color, with little or no ornamentation, and range in length from 2.5 to 18 mm. While click beetles aren’t usually seen indoors, they do love to eat plants and vegetables, which may damage your garden.
3. Japanese Beetles
The Japanese beetle is a common pest in Japan. The Japanese beetle consumes leaves, flowers, fruits, and other plants and is known for damaging the landscape and decorative plants. Japanese beetles are unlikely to do much damage inside your home, and they can destroy your garden and outdoor plants in a hurry.
4. Asian Beetles
The Asian beetle is better known as the ladybug, and they’re a common sight in many homes. When ladybugs feed on plant pests outside, they are considered beneficial. However, inside the house, they can cause serious damage. A typical adult of this species measures approximately ⅜” long in length and has a hard, red shell covered in black spots.
How does one get rid of Beetles?
Beetles are pests that can cause a lot of damage to your property. A pest management company can help you identify the problem and provide the appropriate solution. You’re probably wondering how to get rid of beetles once and for all if you have them in your home or yard. Beetles are a common household pest that can be found in many homes. They can be found in the kitchen, bathroom, or even the bedroom. These beetles are attracted to food and moisture, which is why they tend to be found near these sources. There are a number of ways to get rid of beetles at home and it is important to know these methods before they become an issue.
1. Peppermint Oil
Mint oil, as well as the plants that produce it, are natural pest repellents. Mix 10-15 drops of pure peppermint oil into 8 ounces of water to keep beetles away from your home. After shaking it up, spray the mixture over your doors, vents, and window.
2. Insect Traps
Sticky traps can be effective for crawling insects. Purchase a few of these traps from your local hardware shop and install them in any areas where you’ve witnessed beetle activity for the best results. Beetles are attracted to these traps because they generate a fragrance. The adhesive locks the insect and prevents it from escaping when it steps on the trap.
3. Hire a Professional Pest Control Service Provider
Hire a professional eradication company to eliminate the beetles in your home and yard for the most outstanding results. Pest Management knows how to locate the source of beetle infestations and eradicate every single bug while ensuring the safety of your children, pets, and family.
Image Credit: https://content.ces.ncsu.edu/extension-gardener-handbook/4-insects
Frequently Ask Questions
Q. What causes beetle infestations?
A. Beetle infestations typically occur in moist environments where they have access to food sources. They also prefer warm climates where they can breed more easily than in colder regions. They are capable of eating through wood, paper, and food.
Q. How do you know if you have a beetle infestation?
A. The best way to know if you have a beetle infestation is to check for droppings on the floor or in cracks near window sills or baseboards. Beetles may also leave behind shed skins or chew holes in fabric items like curtains or clothing.
Q. When should you call a pest control company?
A. Pests can be a real nuisance and cause a lot of damage. They can also carry diseases, which is why it is important to call for pest control services as soon as you notice something amiss.