
Mosquitoes can be a real nuisance, leaving itching bite marks and keeping us awake at night. The irritation caused by the bites can be quite distressing particularly for children. At worst, mosquitoes transmit a range potentially fatal diseases. In India, the most prominent diseases spread by mosquitoes are malaria, dengue and Chikungunya as well as Japanese B encephalitis.

The risk of mosquito-borne diseases is especially high in humid areas. In the more arid regions of India, mosquito infestation commonly peaks during and after the annual monsoon rainfalls. In the more tropic and humid regions, the peak of mosquito activity normally falls into the summers when high temperatures fasten the reproductive cycle of mosquitoes.

How Did I Get Mosquitoes?

Mosquitoes in the House: When these pests find their way inside through open doors or windows, they usually rest in dark, hidden areas within the house, but will come out at night to take a blood meal. Homeowners sometimes find mosquitoes under sinks or in closets and laundry rooms, but they are most common in backyards. Some species of mosquitoes like to rest in thick vegetation and wait for a suitable host to come near.

Mosquitoes in the Yard: Mosquitoes breed in standing water, so properties near ponds, marshes, and depressions that collect rainwater are at risk. Some mosquito species are active at different times of the day, but most emerge just before dusk and are active at night.

How Do I Get Rid of Mosquitoes?

The mosquito treatment plan begins with your pest management professional conducting a thorough property inspection and identifying the kind of mosquitoes causing problems. Once the inspection and identification is complete, your pest management professional will prepare a mosquito treatment plan that provides recommendations and assistance for both source reduction and necessary chemical product use. Some of the source reduction recommendations might include:

  • Find Out Where They Are Coming From: Preparing a diagram of your property that shows the actual or potential mosquito development sites. Mosquito develop sites are normally identified as a natural or man-made site that will collect water. Some examples are low areas on the property that are prone to collecting water after rain, clogged rain gutters, flooded crawl spaces, water that pools around downspouts, water that collects in cans, child swimming pools, uncovered boats, tree holes or rubbish and debris that hold water.
  • Keep Them Out of the House: Providing recommendations to exclude mosquitoes from getting inside the home.
  • Eliminate Hiding Spots: Providing recommendations for vegetation management. This is important since many kinds of mosquitoes rest in vegetation around the home during the daylight hours.

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